Abortion and Prolife 2019

29 November 2019
Ohio introduced a bill that would require doctors to "reimplant ectopic pregnancy" or face "abortion murder" charges according to The Guardian. Obstetricians and gynecologists have tried to inform the Ohio lawmakers that the idea is not medically possible. The bill bans abortion and defines a fertilized egg as an "unborn child."

29 October 2019
CNN's Caroline Kelly reviews the status of new abortion bans. "Of the nine so-called gestational bans -- which bar abortions past a certain point in pregnancy -- passed this year, none have gone into effect after most of them have been blocked by judges. In particular, court actions have kept all of the so-called heartbeat bans -- bills outlawing abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected, as early as six weeks into a pregnancy -- from coming into force."

4 October 2019
The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to rule on abortion restrictions. They will rule on a Louisiana law, which the court temporarily blocked in February. The Louisiana law requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. (USA Today)

1 October 2019
A federal judge temporarily stopped a Georgia "heartbeat bill" from becoming law. The bill included exceptions for rape or incest when the woman files a police report. Abortions would be permitted when a fetus is not viable or a mother's health is in danger.  USA Today

28 August 2019
CBS news reported Missouri's 8-week abortion ban has been temporarily blocked, but other restrictions were not blocked. Doctors will be prohibited from ending the lives of the unborn with Down Syndrome. Call centers will be required to offer literature to women seeking an abortion. One of the booklets provides a statement on when life begins: "The life of each human being begins at conception. Abortion will terminate the life of a separate, unique, living human being."

27 JULY 2019
Update on abortion in Europe. Malta is the only EU state with a complete ban on abortion.
The Economist

15 JULY 2019
Abortion Law: Global Comparisons - Council on Foreign Relations

27 JUNE 2019

"WITH THE FATE OF abortion access in question with a newly conservative majority Supreme Court, states are taking matters into their own hands, imposing virtual bans or severe restrictions on the procedure or by enshrining the right to abortion in state law."
  U. S. News

5 JUNE 2019

A U.S. map of states illustrating abortion laws that changed to different levels of restriction.  NPR.

January 22, 2019 An Iowa state judge ruled the state's "heartbeat" law was unconstitutional (CNN).  In New York, the governor signed a bill allowing women to get an abortion after 24 weeks if their life or health is threatened by the pregnancy. Also, a woman can have an abortion at any time if the fetus is not viable. (TheHill).

Polish leaders are working to make abortion illegal according to Roache in FP (2019).

Irish doctors will soon provide the first legal abortions in 2019. Only 162 physicians have signed up as providers. (Guardian, 2019).

Is abortion a leading cause of death? Snopes (2019) looks at the data and finds a higher frequency of abortions than reported but notes the problem with stories that fail to consider that death is a term that applies to people. When life begins and when a fetus is a person is a constant battle in some nations like the USA. The debate has many nuances and is worth reading to learn how people argue.

Learn more about Christianity and Abortion along with other sex-linked morality issues in A House Divided: Sexuality, Morality, and Christian Cultures available from PICKWICK with FREE copies to professors and book reviewers.


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